Traffic Data Forecast Modelling Software Tools (Fiji)
The software tool package from traffic counting, analysis and forecasting models to be used in Fiji for future road upgrading network plan and research purposes.
Sector: Transport Engineering
Country: Fiji
Area of Application: Planning for upgrading road networks in Fiji and provide data for urban development process and predicting future development to socio-economic outcome
Keywords: traffic counting and analysing equipments and designing a software tool for traffic forcasting up to 20 years
Transfer Terms:  
Studies: Feasibility Report , Environmental Impact Studies (EIA/EIS)
Project Type: Expansion/Modernisation
Target Countries: Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom
Estimated cost (US$):  
Assistance From Partner: traffic count equipment and design software
Additional Information: equipment and software
Contact Person: Fiji Institute of Technology
Address: Fiji Insitute of Technology Samabula Suva
City: Suva
Country: Fiji
Zip/Pin Code: 679

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